• 1 of a kind kinda Sunday for me today.
  • I wasn't preaching today so I was able to get to attend services at both of our campuses.
  • Dropped in at the Morton campus for service run-through and said hi to a bunch of our great volunteers.
  • The band sounded great, so I was sure it was going to be a good morning in Morton.
  • Left Morton right at the start of the 9:30 service so I could attend the 10am at the Pekin campus.
  • It was great to get a chance to see what's happening in Pekin firsthand.
  • Got to encourage many of our launch team for that campus and to meet a few new people as well.
  • The guest serivces teams at the Pekin campus were doing a great job as were all the volunteers I talked to.
  • Enjoyed the service in Pekin...I hung out in the back so it wouldn't be too weird when the video message played...strange watching yourself teach, but I think I'd rather watch on video than live...from the back row I felt like I was on the 3rd row and could see better than if it was live.
  • After worship at Pekin, I ran back to Morton to hear Matt preach at the 11am there.
  • By this time I was hurting and wondering if I should have just taken my doctors advice and stayed home like he'd told me to do...oh well I've never been one for listening to doctors very well.
  • Left pretty much right after the 11am service as I was getting a little dizzy.
  • I really enjoyed getting to talk to a lot more people than I normally would on a Sunday I was teaching, and am now resting (like a good boy)...and looking forward to preaching again next Sunday.
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