Yesterday, I posted the first part of an article I've been working on about four questions every church should ask themselves about follow up. Here's the second question:

2. How do we obtain guest information?

Do we use pew registers, communication cards, or some other tool? Do we refer to this every week and welcome guests even if they are not there? Do we offer a gift when they leave? An example of this is using a communication card, and giving out gift bags with information on the church and a free logo mug.

Be clear with your guests every week. Welcome them. Let them know you are glad to have them in worship with you. Be sure to ask them to register their attendance with you by filling out whatever tool it is you are using for guest information. Let them know what to expect...for example: if your follow up plan includes a prayer time, let them know you'll be praying for them in staff meeting. If it includes a visit to their home, let them know that someone will be stopping by to see them this week. People don't like to share their information unless they know how it is going to be used.

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