More coaches than bosses.

Shun hierarchies.

In order to innovate you must collaborate.

There is power in small teams.

Develop a peer based organization.

Develop a culture of situational hierarchy, versus a fixed hierarchy.

Lattice versus ladder relationships.

We don't tell people what to do, we let them tell us what to do, and influence their thinking and direction.

1. Clearly articulate vision and values.
2. Focus on the power of small teams.
3. Remind people that we're all in the same boat.
4. We take a long-term view.
5. Every individual can make a difference.

Every associate has the responsibility to influence other associates.

Peer review allows the best ideas to bubble up.

People are rewarded according to peer evaluation...who is having the greatest impact on our organizational success.

We plot compensation according to peer evaluation on impact.

Each person at Gore has a personal sponsor (not usually the supervisor) who is in charge of helping associates grow and excel.

Limit plant growth to 200-250 employees.

Leaders have to figure out how to divide in order to multiply.

Relationships happen best in smaller environments.

How do you protect your culture?
1. Lengthy behavioral interviewing
2. Leadership sets the tone

Waterline principle...if you are going to consider a decision that could put the organization at risk be sure that you keep them above the waterline.

Leadership is defined by followership.

You are only a leader if people are willing to follow you.

Leaders take a lot of time explaining their decisions.

My job as CEO is to:
1. Stay true to our values.
2. Ensure that we adapt and change.
3. Ensure progress.
4. Spend time with leaders ensuring alignment.

Everyone develops as they are being developed.

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