I've been reading though the books of 1st & 2nd Timothy as well as Titus as I've been studying leadership development and the role of the minister over the last few days in preparation for some meetings next week.  I've especially been focused on the charge that Paul gave to Timothy (his young protege) in 1st Timothy 1:5 where he writes, "The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith."

This passage hasn't left me alone since I read it 3 days ago, so I came back to it this morning to for some additional study.  What I found is too good to keep to myself.  Paul gives Timothy three sources or foundations for love and leadership:

1) A Pure Heart  
We do not purify our hearts, God does.  It happens as we spend time with him in prayer, confession, reflection, and listening.  I have to stop trying to purify myself and allow God to do that work in me.   
QUESTION: Am I trying to maintain my purity or am I allowing the presence of God to purify me?

2) A Good Conscience  
This is about our relationship with God.  The Greek for "conscience" is all about having nothing to hide from God or others.  I'm convinced when we hide things from God or others leadership and love become an impossibility. 
QUESTION: Am I currently hiding anything from God or others in my life?

3) A Sincere Faith  
The Greek for "sincere" is about not being a hypocrite.  The final source of love and leadership is an authentic desire to know God and to become like Christ.
QUESTION: Am I authentic in my faith or am I playing a part for others?

Take a minute and ask yourself these questions.  Allow God to speak to you.  Obey what He says and just see if it doesn't increase your capacity for love and to lead.

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1 Response to 'Where does the ability to love and to lead come from?'

  1. Anonymous
    http://daleschaeffer.blogspot.com/2010/06/where-does-ability-to-love-and-to-lead.html?showComment=1275848996412#c2597009984909358912'> 13:29

    That's good considdering we all are ministers.


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