We're in the middle of a three week series called Q & A at BridgeWay. Each week we're answering 3-5 of your top questions, but with over 120 questions, and only three weeks...well you get the idea. Yesterday I responded to the question, "Can a Christian get a tattoo?". Today I'm going to be addressing another one of the questions that I'm not going to be able to get to on Sundays.

Cutting Room Floor Question #2: Can a Christian go dancing?

Just like the question on tattoos, there are two camps on this questions, and both of them use scripture to support their opinion. I'm going to suggest that the Bible is actually pretty clear on this one.

The Bible speaks directly to the issue of dancing in Ecclesiastes.

There is a...time to mourn and a time to dance.

Ecclesiastes 3:4

Case closed right? Well not quite.

There are actually different kinds of dancing in the Bible, and not all of them are good.

1. Good dancing.

Let them praise his name with dancing…

Psalm 149:3

When (the older son) came near the house, he heard music and dancing.

Luke 15:25

The Bible demonstrates that there are at least 3-4 times for dancing. Clearly dancing in worship to God is a good thing, it was also common at significant religious festivals. Significant events are also times for dancing, for example: weddings, celebrations, graduations, or my personal favorite - when someone finds there way back to God. This last example is exactly what was being celebrated in the story of the Prodagal Son in Luke 15.

Question: when was the last time you partied and danced because someone found their way back to God?

2. Bad Dancing (and I'm not talking about the Superbowl Shuffle)

…the daughter of Herodias danced for them and pleased Herod so much that he promised…to give her whatever she asked.

Matthew 14:6-7

I'm going to guess that Herodias' daughter wasn't line dancing or dancing because someone came to faith. Clearly this was an overly sexual and seductive dance for someone who was not her husband.

So here's what I'd suggest:

1st - Avoid dancing when it puts you in a dangerous environment. Simply put don't go dancing in overly sexualized environments where you're likely to face sexual temptation.

2nd - Avoid dancing when it stirs up sinfully sexual feeling. If you're a single person, I'd avoid any dancing that led to sexual temptation...even it you're engaged to the person. If you're married, don't allow yourself to dance with anyone who's not your spouse...but if you want to dance with your spouse, I say stir it up baby.

So what about you? Have you seen examples of both good and bad dancing? What good dancing have you experienced? What bad dancing have you experienced? I'll share my experience with both in the comments later in the day.

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3 Response to 'Can a Christian go dancing?'

  1. Brian E
    http://daleschaeffer.blogspot.com/2010/01/were-in-middle-of-three-week-series.html?showComment=1262716902929#c4769781945263440187'> 12:41

    I also don't recommend dancing in your underwear like David did. "I will be even more undignified than this!"


  2. Dale
    http://daleschaeffer.blogspot.com/2010/01/were-in-middle-of-three-week-series.html?showComment=1262718781251#c8527702956960394302'> 13:13

    Brian - I would definitely not recommend dancing in your underwear...as for me I'm plenty undignified as it is.

    Seriously though. I've experienced both types of dancing. Before I was a Christian I used to go to a couple of clubs in my hometown and all I can say is what was going on there was definitely not worship dancing.


  3. Unknown
    http://daleschaeffer.blogspot.com/2010/01/were-in-middle-of-three-week-series.html?showComment=1262880255153#c46094977839011989'> 10:04

    I am a dancer. I love to swing dance to the big band 40's music. everyong is smiling, and having so much fun. I agree with Brian, club dance is, well, not worship. I think dance is what you put into it.


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