• Wow it was cold today!
  • I was watching the news last night and was shocked to see all the churches that had already canceled church for Sunday.
  • I can't stand to cancel church...if I can make it we'll be having church...regardless of how many people show up...you never know what God's wanting to do in someone's life.
  • I think most people are smart enough to know if they can handle getting out and walking on ice...so I let them make that call...why say no for people before they can say it for themselves.
  • Okay...that's my "why I don't cancel church" rant.
  • I showed up a little early this morning just in case we had some call offs on the set up crew...nope...not a single call off...not only that, but we had 2 new people helping set up!
  • It was great to have my buddy Nate in house with us today. He was off at his church so he was able to be with us for the morning.
  • For everyone who was wanting us to do some country music at BridgeWay (all 2 of you) the band did a pretty killer southern rock version of "Go Tell" by the Martins. Yes that's right...I said The Martins.
  • They also did the new Steve Fee song "All Creation Sing"...love that song...it's a modern rock version of Joy to the World.
  • I've really enjoyed this U2 Christmas series...this week the band did "When Love Comes to Town"...Steve did a great job with the BB King part of the song.
  • Preached a very basic gospel message today from the story of the shepherds in Luke 2:8-20.
  • Favorite line from today, "Do you know why God sent us a Savior? Because you and I needed to be saved." Second favorite line, "If you're counting on being a good person to get you to heaven, you need to know that eternity doesn't grade on the curve."
  • We had 3 people accept Christ in our worship experiences today...that never gets old!
  • Even with the cold weather we still had over 290 people in worship...love seeing people who don't let -30 degree wind chills keep them out of church!
  • Pretty sure we've nearly given away all of our tickets to our 2 Christmas Eve Experiences...we printed 240 tickets, and even if you don't have one please come anyway!
  • Your best chance to get a seat without a ticket will be at the 4pm experience...hope to see you there!
  • Got some pretty cool news this week about some potential meeting places for our Pekin campus launch next year.
  • Speaking of our Pekin Campus...if you're interested in finding out more about this campus...be sure to come to the Informational Meeting on Wednesday, January 21st at 7pm at the BridgeWay Ministry Center.
  • Thanks to everyone who gave to our Advance Campaign! We've hit our goal, but will be receiving additional commitments through the end of 2008.
  • Getting pretty excited for our new series "How to Be Rich" which begins in January.
  • Anyone notice that the Boston Celtics have only lost 2 games so far this season!
  • No Bears game today means I'll be finishing some of my message for next Sunday this afternoon.
  • I'll also be trying to jog 5 miles later tonight...this jogging thing is kickin' my tail, but much needed.
  • If I don't see you Wednesday night...Merry Christmas!
Late Sunday Night Addition
  • A special shout out to Connie Borth for the best Christmas present I've received so far! What is it you ask? See for yourself here!
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