Get ready to make history, BridgeWay! The revolutionary, groundbreaking experiment ONE PRAYER launches this Sunday. Over 1,325 churches representing 779,111 people are participating. I believe it’s the beginning of a unity in the body of Christ unlike anything we’ve seen before.

If you’re not familiar with the series, you can catch up here.

This week I’ll kick things off with a foundational sermon. For the three weeks that follow, we’ll hear messages from some of the greatest communicators of our generation. Please invite someone to be a part of this with you. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity and I’m so glad we’re in at the ground level!
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1 Response to 'BridgeWay...Get Ready!'

  1. Scot'> 10:21

    Wow, I'm excited. We serve ONE God now we will whorship God as ONE. We are all unified by Christ Jesus living through us, His church, the body of Christ. Yes, we will set aside our trifle differences and prasie HIM as ONE. Amen and Glory to God.


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