This will be the last chapter I read in John until Monday. I'll be sharing my reflections on John 11 on Monday.

A pretty simple reflection for today. There is a pattern that is a reoccuring theme in John, "many believed in Jesus". It doesn't say "some believed in Jesus", or "a few believed in Jesus". It says "many believed in Jesus." I think for us as a church that "many should be believing in Jesus because of our ministry." We should never be satisfied to think, "we've arrived...our church is finished." We need to be continually pointing people to Jesus as helping them to come to a place of decission.

I think sometimes we think of Jesus as having just the twelve disciples and some big crowds that followed him around. But John reminds us that Jesus was not just attracting crowds, he was actually moving people to make a choice: Believe in Jesus, or Don't believe in Jesus. There really isn't a middle ground. Belief in Jesus changes you. Rejection of Jesus changes you as well.

How has belief in Jesus changed you?
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