I've been thinking a lot lately about our need to find a location where we can have a 7 day a week ministry presence. While the high school is great, it is only availible to us on Sundays. We really need a space we can use everyday for weekly ministry and other events.
What I've been thinking though, is that a weekly space might not nessissarily need to have a worship space as a part of it. What if we continued to worship in a rented facility and our daily opperations and ministries (ie...youth, children, small groups, etc...) took place in our main space. What if we started an internet cafe/bookstore/coffee house that also served as our place for other ministries. We could office out of the space, keep normal business hours (7am - 5pm) and then run our ministries after hours. The space could also be used on Sunday nights or Saturday nights for meetings, and smaller worship gatherings. A house could be used for this purpose and we could likely raise the money through the revenue raised by the coffeehouse/bookstore...
(These are just random thoughts...and do not nessissarily reflect the opinions or beliefs of BridgeWay Community Church) That last bit's "tongue in cheek", in case you were wondering.
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