Regi Campbell's book Mentor Like Jesus is not only a book about mentoring, but also a book about discipleship. Campbell lays out a detailed blueprint of the mentoring program that he has developed over eight years of mentoring. The book is a quick and easy read, but full of profound insights and great tools.

Some of my takeaways from the book include:

* Spending more time with less people brings a greater impact.

* Jesus handpicked his disciples, and it makes sense for us to handpick the people we mentor.

* True mentoring has both a start and an end point, after which the person being mentored should become a mentor themselves.

* I was convicted once again about the importance of memorizing scripture.

* The chapter on prayer alone would make this book a worthwhile purchase.

I have been planning on developing a mentoring group for the past several months. This book has been a great guide in helping me to clarify exactly what form my mentoring group will take.
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